What Could Be Wrong with SB 817 Limiting Income Tax to 5.5%

July 16th, 2016 by

What Could Be Wrong with SB 817 Limiting Income Tax to 5.5%

Representative Paul Stam

July 2016

The NC GOP platform (Article II) states, “The government should tax only to raise money for its essential functions. We support a thorough review of expenditures each year, and we support a tax payer’s bill of rights.” “Tabor” is the usual acronym for a “Taxpayer Bill of Rights.” A goal I share with proponents of Senate Bill is a mechanism that will restrain state government from overspending.

But does SB817 proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the rate of state income taxation effectuate these principles? Does it expand taxpayer rights or constrict them? And why is it a constitutional amendment?

Let’s See HERE